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Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is a creation of the mind like designs, inventions, images, Music & art, etc. used in commerce. People can get recognition and financial benefits by inventing and creating things. IP is protected by the law like copyrights, trademarks, and patents. At Abid Nizami Law Associates, our qualified lawyers provide the best services regarding intellectual property. we have fast and cost-efficient services to resolve IP disputes outside the court. Our professionals work as a mediator and assist the parties to reach a mutual agreement. We can help you in licensing, cross-licensing patents, or creating patents pools, searching, and registering trademarks according to IP law.

Different types of Intellectual Property


We came across copyrighted products every day. Copyrights protect creative and innovative works such as movies, games, artwork, music, books, or other innovative products.


Trademarks are registered in the trademark office. It can protect your mark that makes a brand distinct from others. Slogans, sound, logo, color, etc. are examples of trademarks.


Functional designs and inventions are protected by patents. Inventions must be publicly disclosed to get a patent. A patent gives all the rights to the inventor for a fixed time.

Trade Secrets

Confidential information rights that can be sold or licensed through trade secrets IP law. The information must have commercial value and be known by only a small group of people.
Intellectual property is protected by the law to prohibit the use or recreation without the owner’s consent. Intellectual property is a valuable asset for any individual or company. IP can be protected by trademarks, copyrights, and patents. One can protect his/her rights and nobody can copy it without permission. It helps creativity and innovation. IP rights infringement is using someone else’s creation without permission. Sometimes it happens accidentally. To deal with these infringements in a nonlitigation way, one can buy or get the license or permission from the owner. These laws encourage creativity and innovation. It helps you to earn profits from your innovation. Law firms also hire outsourcing teams for IP services so that they can focus on their major cases. you can hire us to reduce the workload and increase efficiency. We can also help you with logo copyrights, trademarks, and patents. We help you to protect your intellectual property.

Why you should choose us:

Affordable Prices

Our qualified and experienced lawyers can provide you with their legal services at very affordable rates.

Improved Efficiency

Our team is comprised of senior-level lawyers and attorneys. We help firms to increase their productivity and efficiency.

IP Rights Protection

We ensure the efficiency and accuracy of our system to give you unmatched IP protection services.

24/7 Availability

Our legal team is available 24/7 to help you with any query.
A lot of hard work is needed in making something unique. It is important to reserve its rights so that no one can copy it without permission. Intellectual property infringements have costly consequences. If you are looking for IP services, we have qualified lawyers that can help you with your legal needs. To get our consultation, contact us now!


What do Intellectual property rights mean and what types of IP exist?
Intellectual property is a creation of the mind like designs, inventions, images, Music & art, etc. People can get recognition and financial benefits by inventing and creating things. Intellectual property (IP) rights are to protect intangible property rights. The most common categories of IP rights include Trademarks, Copyright, Patents, and Trade Secrets.
Why is IP important for my business and what considerations should I have when I am planning an IP strategy for a new market?
IP laws let your business claim proprietorship over, and get benefits from its intangible creations. For example:
  • You can give rights of your IP to third parties in exchange for money or royalties.
  • You can stop competitors from using your IP like your brand name.
  • If you want to attract investors or to sell your business, IP rights can be a significant element of your business’s value
Following are the important points to consider to enter a new market:
  • Which IP rights you are planning to use in that market
  • Whether an existing competitor in that market already has similar rights to your IP
  • The expenses of getting protection for your IP in that new market.
What Is A Trademark?
Trademarks are symbols, words, and designs to differentiate a product from similar products like names and logos of brands. A trademark is disallowing any imprints that have a “probability of confusion” with a current one.
What do ® and TM mean?
TM stands for “trademark”. TM can be used without federal or state registration. Trademark having the “®” symbol (® stands for registered) has been approved for registration by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (or USPTO).
Why should I go through the trouble of getting my trademark registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office?
One benefit of getting a federally registered trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is that the trademark gets nationwide significance. Federal registration will grant it a priority in 49 other states over another trademark. That way a new business gets a chance to grow and not have to worry about the conflict with a competing trademark in another state.
How long does a trademark registration last?
A trademark registration lasts for 10 years but you need to file section 8 Affidavit (Affidavit of Use) between these years.
What Is a Patent?
A patent is an exclusive right that is given to any process, invention, or product. For a patent, one needs to make the invention’s information public in a patent application and then reserve its rights. These rights are given for a specific time limit. It gives you the rights and stops others to copy, sell or manipulate it.
Does a patent last forever?
A utility patent that is granted on or after June 8, 1995, will be enforceable for 20 years (from the date the patent is issued). To maintain the patent, occasional fees must be paid during these years. Design patents are usually issued for 14 years, and you don’t have to pay any maintenance fees.
What types of penalties could I incur if I infringe on someone else’s intellectual property rights?
IP rights infringement is a serious matter. A court can impose a ban on a violating party until the matter is resolved. If the defendant is proved guilty, a court may grant the plaintiff restitution and monetary damages. The losing defendant’s intellectual property rights may be revoked and he/she may be charged criminally.
Copyrights are issued to protect authorship rights. According to copyrights law, only the author has the authority to display, use and perform the material. Without permission using others’ work can cause copyrights infringement.
If the copyrights are issued after 1977, the copyright will be enforceable for 70 years after the death of the author.
What things can I patent?
Following are the four types of patents, Utility, Plant, Design, and Provisional patent:
Utility Patent
A utility patent is the most common category among people. It is related to the legal protection of inventors’ rights for any new or unique process, the machine, or a manufactured article. Usually, a utility patent time limit is 20 years as long as you keep maintenance fees in check.
Design Patent
To protect the rights for a new and original design of products, a design patent is issued. Design patents’ time limit is 15 years and no maintenance fees are needed. It gives the rights of the design to the inventor.
Plant Patent
A plant patent is used to reserve the rights of a newly invented plant that has reproduction capability. Plants patents are issued for 20 years with no maintenance fees.
Provisional Patent
A provisional patent is to file a patent application at the US office and you need to file a utility patent after filing a provisional patent within a year.
What things can I not patent?
You can’t get a patent for the following things:
  • A mathematical formula
  • A law of nature
  • A scientific principle that has no useful application
When is an invention novel?
At least one of the elements of an invention needs to be different from existing inventions to be novel. You need to review all of the existing inventions in the field before filing the patent application.
When is an invention useful?
An invention is useful if it is beneficial for people in some way. The benefit doesn’t need to be substantial but the applicant needs to demonstrate that the invention will work.
Can I get a patent for computer software?
Yes, you may be able to get a patent for computer software if it is useful and has tangible results.
Can I get a patent for an invention if I am employed by a company?
Usually, not. Employers will get the patent rights for any invention that is created by you during your employment but you can get bonuses for valuable inventions.
What happens if a company uses my idea without permission?
If you have any kind of IP rights (copyrights or patents) then you can sue the company for IP infringement. If you have not done this, you can still take legal action if the company has signed a non-disclosure agreement with you before the discussion of the idea.
Yes. You need permission from the copyright owner of the song and the recording to use a song. Songs recorded in the 1960s or earlier have entered the public domain, anyone can use them without permission.
If you are aware of copyright infringement and still sell the items then you are legally responsible as a secondary infringer. The copyright owner can take legal action against you.
What is a trade secret?
Confidential information rights that can be sold or licensed through trade secrets IP law. The information must have commercial value and be known by only a small group of people.
What rights do I have as an owner of a trade secret?
You can stop anyone subject to a non-disclosure agreement from revealing, copying, or using the secret without permission.
What happens if someone steals a trade secret?
The trade secret’s owner can get an order from civil court to stop the thief from disclosing or using the secret any further. The thief can be charged criminally and needs to pay for all the damages caused by the disclosure of the secret.
Can you sell an idea to a company without a patent?
Yes, you can sell your idea without a patent. But if you can’t protect your idea under the patent rule, you can choose a different type of IP. (Copyrights, Trade secrets, etc.)
When do I need a lawyer in managing my IP?
This depends on the following factors:
  • Your understanding of the IP regime: If you don’t know how to process or are unfamiliar with the IP rules and regulations.
  • The complexity of the IP portfolio: If you have a large number of applications and need technical guidance.